Connect with Space art and let's start crafting your unique space for your Work Spaces (Commercial) Please fill the form Your Name *Email Address *Phone *Type Of Business *Site AddressIs it a franchise? *YesNoWhat is the color scheme of your brand? *Is this a rented place?What is the required capacity of the staff ? *How much are you willing to give financially to your dream space?Number of seating required in waiting area? *What is your preferred time frame to complete the project?Do you need any specific storage space/area?YesNoDo you require pantry area separately?YesNoDo you have specific preference for the following? *LightingTechnological featuresGraphicsBrand colorsWhat facilities do you require in the pantry? *Do you follow vastu? *YesNoKindly attach the AutoCAD drawing.Drag and Drop (or) Choose FilesSend Message